Aneesa Marufu写了她的处女作黑暗幻想, Rebel of Fire and Flight to explore the concepts of racism, classism, 性别角色. To tell her tale about freedom from oppression and the deep roots of hatred, Marufu creates the parallel stories of two teens: Khadija and Jacob. Set in the fictional South Asian country of Ghadaea and alternating between Khadija’s and Jacob’s experiences, the book allows readers to witness the lives of the pair and their individual challenges as they explore who they are and what they truly want in this world. Sixteen-year-old Khadija is a brown-skinned Ghadean girl, who has spent a good deal阅读更多→

在他的小说《welcome皇冠地址》中,埃里克. 布朗讲述了一个后世界末日的故事. 它的主角是“一个同性恋”, 一个破碎的直男, 一个有创伤后应激障碍的制图天才, a seventy-year-old woman with a shotgun fighting zoo animals” (264), and a host of not-so-supportive others with an occasional kind character thrown in. 还有一个白人至上主义者公社, 以免我们忘记种族主义的腐化力量, greed, and power. After a super-flu virus has nearly wiped out the American population, Andrew sets out from Connecticut on foot to find other survivors. Near Philadelphia, he is caught in a bear trap and staggers into a阅读更多→

Brandy Colbert writes an important book, a story that needed to see the light of day. Black Birds in the Sky is a nonfiction account of the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre. It is filled with sad and horrifying cruelty as it recounts one of the most deadly and destructive acts of racial violence in American History. Colbert makes her readers aware of just how much the past inform the present. She enlightens us, explaining that history is full of progress and setbacks. The Unites States, in particular, has a violent genocidal foundation. Traumatic times often get passed over in classrooms and conversations because they make阅读更多→

A magical and enchanting tale of adventure, The 《welcome皇冠地址》,R.A. Salvatore and Erika Lewis will likely intrigue readers of Christopher Paolini or Anne McCaffrey. 除了一个关于寻找自我的故事, 塞尔瓦托和刘易斯讲述了一个关于爱的故事, loyalty, 还有其他值得为之奋斗的事情. Seventeen-year-old Maggie and Griffin are both orphans trying to find their place in the world. Just as Griffin must decide if his place is with the corpulent and greedy King Umbert serving as his champion: “Sir Griffin, 强大的下水道杀手”(92), Maggie must determine whether she owes allegiance to Xavier, 魔术师,也许还有阅读更多→

Angie Thomas’ prequel to The Hate U Give is a good read.  Concrete Rose, which tells the story of Maverick Carter, is no fairy tale. 然而,它是非常感人的.  It reveals a young man who is full of potential despite the harsh world around him. 即使花园高地, 马华力长大的地方, 被帮派淹没了吗, drugs, violence, 还有贫穷——他的母亲, Faye, 她是否尽力给儿子一个积极的教育. Still, he confronts death, the challenges of teenage parenting, and multiple temptations head on. Thomas doesn’t sugarcoat the difficulties that Maverick faces, and the reader gets to experience阅读更多→

Z Brewer, an author who is also an outspoken mental health and anti-bullying advocate, has written a young adult novel that validates the challenges that accompany identity exploration. Into the Real is an affirming story about a person living a broken life and willing to do anything to be free of constraints. Living in a fog of insecurity and confusion about sexuality and gender identity, seventeen-year-old Quinn experiences an oppressive feeling of loneliness. As Quinn navigates the fog of more questions than answers, 心痛多于支持, this genderqueer teen envisions a world in which life can be conflict-free and peaceful. 然而,要达到这一点阅读更多→

Given the coronavirus pandemic currently sweeping the world, 凯瑟琳·布莱尔(Katharyn Blair)的小说《皇冠登录welcome》(Unchosen)与此有着诡异的关联. 苏珊娜·柯林斯的粉丝, 斯科特Westerfeld, 奔驰马屁精, and Brandon Sanderson will also cheer for the strong female characters and appreciate the engaging and action-packed story. 在布莱尔的反乌托邦中, someone has knowingly or inadvertently unleashed the Crimson, a virus-like curse that causes the end of the world as we know it. 而不是戴口罩, people wear blindfolds because looking into the wrong eyes is a death sentence. When infected, a person’s irises turn from their natural color to purple and then to red. 那个人只有一个阅读更多→

类似于《皇冠登录welcome》系列。”,  Ed Masessa’s Wandmaker series focuses on magical learning. Wandmaker的学徒 is the second novel in the series and picks up from the dramatic events of Wandmaker. 在第一部小说中, 亨利和他的妹妹, Brianna, came to terms with their different abilities connected to wand making. 在这个世界上, 隐藏在我们的幕后, magical ability is harnessed through different wands for various purposes. For those in this magical world, “your wand is an extension of you” (99). After defeating the villainous Dai She, Henry and Brianna are taken in by Wand Master Coralis. Coralis阅读更多→

The third and final installment of Gordon Korman’s Masterminds series packs a punch to conclude an epic trilogy. 聪明人:回报 begins right where Masterminds: Criminal Destiny left off. Amber, Malik, Tori, and Eli have been split up escaping from the “Purple People Eaters” chasing them. They’ve been on the run ever since they discovered that their entire lives were fake. They were raised as experiments in a town called Serenity. 住在一个一切正常的假城市里, the four pre-teens were actually clones of the most notorious and terrible criminals in the world, living science experiments for something called Project Osiris. “基本上,阅读更多→