
凯利·安德鲁的《你的血,我的骨头 is a paranormal YA novel full of sinister things that will drag the reader into dark places. Protagonist Wyatt Westlock has always been kept away from the darkest parts of the legacy she inherited as one of the Westlock guardians of Willow Heath. Growing up on her family’s forest surrounded land, she is content to run wild with James and Peter, 她儿时的朋友. She doesn’t question the dark rituals her father and his guildsman conduct in the dead of night, or why one of her best friends never seems to belong. 经过一个悲惨的夜晚,怀亚特的母亲阅读更多→

克莱尔·萨诺斯基的《welcome皇冠地址》 with Sarah Durand recounts the memories of the author who befriends Alter Wiener, 大屠杀幸存者, 当她只有九岁的时候. The main purpose of the book is to share the truth that remembering the history of atrocities like the Jewish genocide can help prevent intolerance, 暴力, 和恨. After hearing Alter Wiener’s presentation about his surviving the concentration camps, Claire is inspired by his attitude to “become better, 不苦.” Despite their huge age gap—Alter is 87—the two become fast friends, and together they spread the message that we can’t remove pain by hiding the truth阅读更多→

Guilt is the glue that keeps Rana’s immigrant family together. In the Muslim world that Rana is from, the goal is to become a dutiful wife. However, that is a version of womanhood that Rana can’t live up to. She’s gay but keeps her sexual identity secret. Because she’s suffering from the loss of one of her best friends, 路易离奇死亡, Rana quits basketball and carbo loads her pain. 当她缩成一团的时候,她的老师. 穆里略试图把她引出来, telling her that her opinion matters and offering her meditation as a way to open up to possibility:阅读更多→

在写《皇冠登录welcome》时, Hanna Alkaf begins in the fashion of a traditional fairy tale. 在她重新想象的小红帽中, Alkaf borrows heavily from the Malaysian Muslim culture and weaves her magical retelling with Malay customs and cuisine. The star of this tale is thirteen-year-old Hamra, who is stubborn, sad, rebellious, and angry. She is tired of wiping up messes and cooking and listening to her grandmother say things that don’t’ make sense now that she is living with dementia. Hamra is tired of always having to be nice and good and polite and responsible. 她确实是阅读更多→

Fierce, determined, proud, and furious, Leto wants to be remembered as extraordinary. 而不是, 十七岁时, she becomes one of the twelve girls sacrificed to appease the raging sea and to abate Poseidon’s wrath so that others in Ithaca can prosper. 只是,莱托没有死. She washes up on the shores of the island Pandou where Melantho introduces her to a mission: In order to break the curse and to save other girls from the annual hanging ritual, the Prince of Ithaca—who gives the orders for the 死亡s—must die. However, once Leto and Melantho reach the shores of Itaca under a ruse, they discover阅读更多→

The history of the Jewish Empire of Khazaria would die out completely if not for stories like Black Bird, 蓝色之路. 在这部历史小说中, Sofiya Pasternack shares the story of Ziva and Pesha, 12岁的双胞胎. Stubborn, persistent, passionate, and observant, Ziva aspires to be a judge. Her brother, Pesha may not have the same fire, but he is brilliant in his own way. Ziva is convinced that with his inventive mind, Pesha will find a cure not only for the leprosy that afflicts him but for other diseases, 也. Selfless and kind, Pesha also has a gift for learning languages.阅读更多→

Apart from his name, Cymbeline Igloo thinks he is normal in every way. 一个友善、乐于助人的九岁孩子, Cymbeline isn’t aware of how odd his life story is until a nightmare invades with the heaviness of 死亡. One of Cym’s classmates pushes him into the pool during a school activity, 这个动作触发了Cym的妈妈, 珍妮特屋, 精神崩溃. Now, Cymbeline’s routine and familiar life has been disrupted in a major way. Cym is left to solve the mystery of his mother’s discomfort with swimming. As Cym sleuths out the details with the help of Veronique Chang—a genius and fellow classmate阅读更多→

With his novel All That’s Left in the World, Erik J. 布朗讲述了一个后世界末日的故事. 它的主角是“一个同性恋”, 一个破碎的直男, 一个有创伤后应激障碍的制图天才, a seventy-year-old woman with a shotgun fighting zoo animals” (264), and a host of not-so-supportive others with an occasional kind character thrown in. 还有一个白人至上主义者公社, lest we forget the corrupting forces of racism, 贪婪, 和权力. After a super-flu virus has nearly wiped out the American population, Andrew sets out from Connecticut on foot to find other survivors. Near Philadelphia, he is caught in a bear trap and staggers into a阅读更多→

12年前, Frances Frida Ripley (aka Frankie) was born near the sea during a storm, 这似乎在她身上留下了印记, 让她容易反复无常,喜怒无常. She is often impatient with her six-year-old sister, Birdie, and temperamental with her parents. 鉴于她的情绪爆发, Frankie has grown accustomed to her father’s admonishment: “Shouting creates negative energy and harmful interpersonal toxicity. 此外,它还会扰乱我们的头脑。”. Frankie is frustrated by how adults always try to sort out or tidy up feelings, putting labels on them or nudging them into another shape. 当弗兰基不能随心所欲时,她会大发雷霆. 她的父母阅读更多→